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Aadivasi's Reformaion and Welfare Society (WARS)

Healthcare, Education, Livelihood, Women Empowerment, Child Development, Agriculture Developments

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WARS which literally means ‘Yuddh’ (Struggle/Fighting), is a voluntary organization, operational areas in the state of Jharkhand and Odisha, (India), since 2001, The organization was conceived as an effort of few socially sensitive people who came from different backgrounds, charged with the vision of working with the vulnerable sections of the society and address issues giving rise to such vulnerabilities. Therefore, during 2006, its birth by a group of social workers. Since that day, it has come a long way and implemented a lot of programmes. The aim of starting such an agency was to unite the people and to make them agents of their own development. Its Registered Office is situated at Gua of West Singhbhum district. Its doors are open for all those who are interested to do some social work selflessly or contributes for social developments. It renders services to all irrespective of caste, creed and colour. Success is our motto and we believe in the fact that talkers are never good dears”. Our work and output speak for us. The members as well as the office bearers of our organization are fully dedicated themselves for the sake of rural poor men, women, children, irrespective caste, creed & religion, who are being exploited by literacy, poverty and blind beliefs. We are true, sincere and genuine workers. We have done our much valuable work silently. The organization works in association with people, Government and non-Government organizations. Aadivasi’s Reformation & Welfare Society (WARS) is such an NGO, Its operational areas are very backward. We operate in 2 district of Jharkhand (East & West Singhbhum) and 6 districts of Odisha viz. Keonjhar, Khurda, Salepur, Dhenkanal, JagatSinghpur and Cuttack. Our operational areas include both rural and urban areas. We work among the poorest viz. scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, vulnerable poorest children and women from BPL families, the Aged needy persons and delinquent youth /drug-addicts from all communities. Poverty, Illiteracy, High Mortalities, Social Ignorance, Family Disorganization, Domestic Violence against Women are some crucial problems. The rural areas witness severe caste divide, the ST/SC being the major dominant caste who are the land owners and politically powerful group. Today the organization has deep rooted understanding and experience in various fields like various Health related programme, Agricultural development programme, Educational developments to the poor section, Community Based Rehabilitation, with special focus on rehabilitation of widow, women and children, Promoting and Strengthening peoples organization, Child Rights issue etc. Major Activities undertaken : (Details given in the Activity Reports) A. HEALTH AWARENESS PROGRAMMES :- A.A. Malaria Awareness Programme :- A.B. AIDS Awareness Programme : A.C. Workshop On Sanitation/Hygeine Practices :- A.D. Tuberculosis Awareness Programme :- A.E. Sanitation Awareness Programme under CSR A.F. Swachchha Bharat Programme B. WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME ;- B.A. SHG Programme for Women & Farmers : B.B. Workshop on Women Rehabilitation : B.C. Digital Awareness Programme under CSR C. HUMAN RIGHTS AWARENESS PROGRAMME ;- C.A. Social Awareness Camps - IEC :- D. PLANTATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME :- D.A. Environment Awareness Programme : D.B. Plantation Programme D.C. Road Safety Programme F. EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTIONS :- F.A. Play Schools for Nursery Children :- G. OTHER PROGRAMME :- G.A. Consumer Awareness :- G.B. National Integrity & Peace Camps/Workshops ;- Mission : WARS would strive hard to systematically convince the government and other agencies about the health needs of the communities. It would help support the government and other agencies in formulating and implementing necessary health programmes in State. It would also facilitate the planning, management and evaluation of health and development activities by the voluntary agencies particularly through the capacity building of NGO workers and sharing information. Promotion of community health, social justice and human rights of the provision and distribution of health care services to the under privileged and economically weaker section of the community. Vision : People of the state would be able to live a peaceful and healthy life that would base on Self Employment Generation. Poverty, illiteracy, inequality, violence, ignorance, diseases and infirmity would be replaced by peaceful community and family life, prosperity, adequate education and physically, mentally and socially healthy individuals. In fulfilling the needs of the people the scarce natural resources would be effectively utilised, and there would be continuous efforts to promote sustainable human development. Objectives of Organisation :  to Promote Social, Economical, Educational, Cultural and Spiritual Development of the Aadivasis as well as Villages/Villagers. to Preserve, Promote and Project Aadivasi Social and Cultural Values.  to Create Awareness among Aadivasis about their Constitutional Rights.  to make special endeavour for the Welfare and Development of Aadivasi Women and Children in difficult circumstances.  to Promote the conditions of the Health, Education and Normal Life of the people.  to promote Library Awareness and establishment of Libraries.  to conduct and help the Govenrnment & Non-Government Programmes.  to undertake Relief Work as well as the Government Services for Rural Development  to conduct Edult Education, Child Education, Maternity and Child Welfare, removale of Untouchability, Medical Aid, Prohibition of Drugs and Liquors etc.  to held any functions, i.e. Play, Health,Education related and Normal Life of the people.  the Government Funds will mainly be spent for such work as effectively the General Men, specially the Backward Peoples and Poor Section People.  the special stress will have to be given to the activities of Agricultural Development, Self - Employment Generation for Upliftment of the Village/Cottage Industries and to the work related with upliftment of Poor Section of the Society, especially the Trible Population and unemployed youths.  to provide Fertilisers to the Poor Villagers and promote Agricultural Education.  to organise Seminars for developement of National Unity Awareness Programmes to Youths.


Area of work: West Singhbhum District of Jharkhand (Core areas)




Subir Sharna (Secretary)

Aadivasi's Reformaion and Welfare Society (WARS)

'Vivekanada Public School Complex' P.O. : Gua, Dist. : West Singhbhum, Jharkhand - 833212


Mobile- 8908860100

Website- NA


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