Healthcare, Education, Livelihood, Women Empowerment, Child Development, Disaster Management

Samarpan is a child rights based organization of Jharkhand. The organization was established with the vision to ensure the rights of children and contribute to their optimum development. It is running since 15 years established on 23rd Sep 2005. But it registered under Trust Act 1882 on 28th Dec. 2006. It is people’s organization to serve people of the locality especially in mica mines area of district Koderma which was famous as the capital of mica in British period. SAMARPAN is a Hindi word which means Devotion, Dedication and Commitment. Our services for those who are backward and deprived from Roji-Roti, Kapra, Education, Health, Security and Water. We extend our service to strengthen love, respect and rights to the needy people for the purpose to connect with development and mainstreaming of education such people, this organization is established. Samarpan’s motto is to create a society without any biasness and exclusion from basic rights. By providing option for quality education, livelihood promotion, child right and other areas of development, We have made our own identity among deprived communities, agencies and government bodies in the mica mine areas of Koderma district in Jharkhand by our own services and hard work among the people. Over the decade Samarpan’s work is mainly focused on child and women who are still in deprivation from their right and dignity. Samarpan is linked with a lot of states and district level networks such as CSNCR, CREJ, FEM, AIH, GNB, Dhawa Dal, Sponsorship and Foster Care approval Committee, School Monitoring Committee, Mahila Koshang, ATMA Management Committee etc. Vision: A happy, healthy and creative child whose rights are protected and honored in a society that is built on respect for dignity, justice and equity for all children so that they can grow happily and without fear. Mission Samarpan gives opportunities for freedom, Justice, love and happiness to the children. We do this in programs, together with children, communities, like minded organizations and Government that share our vision for a better future.
Area of Work -
The Operational Area of the trust is Jharkhand. We presently work in Mica mines area of Koderma district (Block- Koderma, Domchanch, Chandwara, Jainagar and Markacho) of Jharkhand and also 25 village of Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand.
Indramani Sahu, Secretary
Address- Sundernagar, Post & District-Koderma- 825410, Jharkhand
Mobile- 9934148413
Email Id-