Events & Workshops
Workshop on "How to make your NGO funding Ready"
18th Dec, 2020
23rd Dec, 2020
29th Dec, 2020
11th Jan, 2021
21st Jan, 2021
Discussed Topics
Current status of NGOs in India
How NGOs operate v/s How NGOs should operate
Current funding trends for NGOs in India
Methods of getting funds for your NGO (Government funding, CSR funding, Individual donations etc.)
Suggestions on how you could GET FUNDING easily
Way forward
Workshop on Process outline of project proposal writing for NGOs
27th Feb, 2021
Discussed Topics
What is a project proposal?
Types of project proposal
What to do before starting to write a project proposal?
Structure of a project proposal
Tips for getting a project proposal sanctioned/ approved
Workshop on Scope of funding for NGOs under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
27th Mar, 2021
3rd April, 2021
10th April, 2021
Discussion Topics
Introduction of CSR: Basics of CSR
Evolution of CSR in India
Activities qualifying under CSR Act
Status of NGOs getting CSR funding in India
CSR priorities in the States of Jharkhand, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and North Eastern States.
What do companies want from NGOs while partnering?
How NGOs should approach Corporates?
5 best PSU companies to be approached for CSR project.
Webinar on Fellowship & other Volunteering Models for Grassroots Organizations
26th April, 2021
Discussion Topics
Context Setting - Volunteerism (Shramdhan) in India & Abroad
Successful case studies (Peace Corps USA, AIESEC International)
Enhancing Human Capital of Grassroots Organization through Volunteerism
Best Practices of Volunteer Management (Culture, Processes & Resources)
Possible Avenues & Way Forward for Grassroots Organizations
Speaker: Alex Arockiasamy, Program Manager, SBI Youth for India fellowship, SBI Foundation
Webinar on
Strengthening CSR through Implementing Agencies in Eastern & North Eastern region of India
27th April, 2021
Discussion Topics
CSR Implementation scenario in Eastern and North Eastern region of India
Initiatives and best practices of partnership between corporates and Implementation agencies
Challenges of Corporates towards building partnership with Implementing agencies
How Implementing agencies should leverage their ideas into partnerships
CSR partnership priorities in Covid times
Mr. Nixon Joseph, President & COO, SBI Foundation
Mr. Atul Singh, Vice President- CSR, Emami Ltd.
Dr. Prashant Kumar Hota, President- Sustainability & CSR, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.
Mr. Kaushik Sinha, Head- CSR & Corporate Communication, Magma Fincorp (Moderator)
Ms. Smita Sahu, Manager- CSR, Arohan
Speaker Profiles
Workshop on Communication tools for NGOs (focused on Annual Report & Newsletters)
8th May, 2021
Discussion Topics
What role an Annual Report and Newsletters can play as Communication tools for NGOs?
How should an NGO Annual Report & Newsletters look like?
Where & how the Annual Reports & Newsletters should be circulated for better outreach?
Ideal samples of Annual Reports & Newsletters
Speaker: Tanveer Khan (Development Consultant; PR professional; Social Entrepreneur)
Workshop on Basics of HR for NGOs
29th May, 2021
Discussion Topics
What is HR and why it is important for NGOs
Principles of HR
Lifecycle of an employee in an organization - recruitment, entry, tenure, exit
Components of a good HRMS - need-to-have and good-to-have
Responsibility matrix for Policies and Processes
Employee motivation
Conflict management
Speaker: Manvi Singh, Founder- Blue Parijaat Foundation
Workshop on Project Proposal writing for NGOs
31st May, 2021
Discussion Topics
How to identify the right donor (Donor assessment)- Expert tips
Logical chain- problem analysis, finding solutions, planning, resource assessment, project designing and proposal writing
Structure of Project proposal
Driving through samples of proposal
Speaker: Suman Talukdar, CSR & Sustainability Professional, Former CSR Lead- Rio Tinto India
Workshop on Donor Assessment for NGOs
14th June, 2021
16th June, 2021
Discussion Topics
Importance of donor assessment before approaching
Type of NGO Donors
Categorisation of your activities (Know your working sectors)
How to assess/ measure your NGO credibility?
How would you find your possible suitable donor?
Who are the donors supporting COVID-19 related activities?
Effective ways to reach/ approach donors
Webinar on Crowdfunding for NGOs
14th July, 2021
Discussion Topics
Basics of crowdfunding
Why should grassroots NGOs do crowdfunding?
How to run a successful crowdfunding campaign? (when to start & when to stop)
How to build a fundraising network?
How to write effective content?
How to promote?
How to report the activities? (to inform whoever donated)
How to retain crowdfunding donors?
Do's and Don'ts of crowdfunding.
Speaker: Meena Dave, CEO- India Cares Foundation
Webinar on changes related to Income Tax (80G, 12A) for NGOs
21st July, 2021
Discussion Topics
Changes towards the changes being brought for the NGOs (12A & 80G renewal)
Implication/ Effect for the NGOs
Process documentation
Application procedure (overview, not in-detail)
Post-application process (handling queries, certificate generation etc.)
Expert tips for grassroots level NGOs of this process
Speaker: CA. Aditya Dadheech, Partner, A K DADHEECH & CO, Mumbai
Webinar on Writing Success Stories for NGOs
in association with Story Beetle
27th July, 2021
Discussion Topics
Why Stories for Impact and how it can help you inspire people to join the cause and raise funds for your initiative?
Find the right story for your initiative
Identify your audience
Tell your story
Speaker: Arshia Bhandari, Founder, Story Beetle
Webinar on Leveraging LinkedIn to Build Relationships with CSR Professionals for NGOs
21st September, 2021
Discussion Topics
Importance of LinkedIn for NGOs (10 mins)
How to utilize LinkedIn to build relationships with CSRs and investors - profile optimization, connection building process, and personal branding on LinkedIn. (40-50 mins)
Q&A/ discussion (30 mins)
Speaker: Rhythm Sachdeva, Impact Communication Consultant
Webinar on Basics of Fundraising for NGOs
27th November, 2021
Discussion Topics
What is Fundraising for grassroot/ newly started NGOs?
How grassroot/ newly started NGOs should initiate fundraising
Challenges and best practices of fundraising
Ways of fundraising
How to plan your fundraising journey
Speaker: Rishabh Lalani, Fundraising Expert
'Prabodhan'- Webinar series on Finance, Compliance and Grant Management for NGOs
in association with Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation (BRLF)
Series-1 January - March 2022
Series-2 May - July 2022
About the webinar series
A total of 9 webinar under the financial education short course christened ‘प्रबोधन’ Prabodhan (Alert, Advise, Awake) will be organized by BRLF and facilitated by Impactyog @1 per week on a fixed day i.e. Thursday each week on topics of NGO compliance, finance and accounts and grant management
Speakers: From Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation (BRLF)
Particpants Engaged
'Bodhan'- Online Short Certificate Course on Finance, Compliance and Grant Management for NGOs
in association with Saathi Development Services
January 2023 - March 2023
About the webinar series
A total of 9 online sessions under the 'Bodhan'- Online Short Certificate Course on Finance, Compliance and Grant Management for NGOs organised by Impactyog @1 session per week on a fixed day i.e. Thursday each week on topics of NGO compliance, finance and accounts and grant management
Speakers: From Saathi Development Services and other industry experts
Particpants Engaged
Online Short Certificate Course on Finance for Non Finance Staffs of NGOs
in association with Saathi Development Services
Commencing in Sept 2023
About the webinar series
It is a fully online short course designed specifically to enhance knowledge of Project and Programme level ( non finance) staffs on Accounting & Finance, Grant management, Budgeting, Procurement, Inventory & Asset management, Audit & Assurances, Internal control and risks through a well-curated curriculum, eminent faculties and post session email support on queries. The course curriculum is designed by the experts from the finance and administrative background working for decades in the development sector in India.
Speakers: From Saathi Development Services and other industry experts
Course Brochure